Monday 21 February 2011

Bon voyage BNE, Sayonara SYD

After much hype and excitement (mainly just Edwina), today is the official launch of the highly anticipated James and Edwina Vs the World travel blog. 

I am hoping this blog will be an avenue for our family and friends to stay up to date on where we are, what we've seen and how amazing everything is. Of course we look forward to all your comments, questions and suggestions as we trounce our way through four continents. *yes... I did include Australia as a continent to make it more impressive.*

Within hours of touching down safe and sound in beautiful Buenos Aires, we have experienced the wonders of Customs and their never ending maze of lines, engaged in our first spanish/ sign language negotiations (I think the cabbie won) and checked into our hostel. 

I've attached a few happy snaps to wet your appetite. We are now off to explore the sights of BA and will blog again soon.



  1. Look at you two, already looking so happy and relaxed. Can't wait to hear more about BA..!! Have fun :)

  2. Hello - it is us! We are here!
